In the case of on-site auctions, our services include complete setup and display of the property in the manner that will optimize its selling price. What this involves will vary from auction to auction, but usually it involves organizing and sorting on location several days, or weeks, in advance. Then on the day of the auction our staff arrives in ample time to set the merchandise out on display for the buying public to preview the items, and organized in order to allow for an orderly and profitable auction.
During the auction our experienced staff keeps things moving quickly and efficiently. We attract and keep a large and happy crowd of buyers by keeping up a brisk pace, a sensible and predictable order of sale, and by genuinely enjoying our work.
After the auction we settle out auctions quickly and accurately, providing the seller with a complete item by item accounting of each item sold, and an itemized settlement showing all seller expenses. Other post-auction services may include trash hauling, cleaning services, and anything else our sellers may need to make their lives easier.